Thursday, April 30, 2009 5:28 PM

yesterday eve as i drove to meet a friend for a libation i was waiting at a light on highland and 3rd.. out of nowhere i see a young man wildly signaling to traffic to stop then i see the object of why, his little dog was running willy nilly through traffic ... immediately i put on my 'must save the dog' hat and braced myself to focus my energy on making sure this dog would be ok.. the dog ran across the street into oncoming traffic... while the boy just chased and chased it.. this turns out just inspires the dog to run even more amok in true dog fashion.. at this point the dog has run back across the street and down the sidewalk, i breathe then turn right in order to follow them.. i see now the young man has learned that if he stands still the dog will just sort of dance around him.. but every time he reaches out, the dog skirts the road and so i slow down, the dog comes over, and i open the passenger side and offer it a ride.. it's curiousity is piqued but then at the sound of the honking car behind me, skittishly runs away.. so what's a little traffic snarl when a dog's life is at risk.. i pull into a driveway and turn off the engine.. the dog and owner are 50 ft away and the dog will not come to him.. the dog sees me and starts furiously barking and coming closer to me.. this diversion it turns out is the perfect trick ~ a subterfuge so the boy can grab his dog.. which he does.. the boy and i proceed to walk slowly towards each other with our heads cocked in a sort of amazement like in a scene from one of those movies where two lovers have been just been reuinted after years ~ we both smiled and gazed upon each other as if we had known the other a lifetime.. i asked 'is she ok? she?' he said 'ginger's a pretty feminine name.. it's a stripper name'. i looked upon little ginger and took her face into my palms, and said 'quit the stripping, ginger, quit it right NOW.' i said 'my name is toddy' and he replied flirtatiously behind clear blue eyes 'jeremy'... he went on scatteredly to explain how he has come to not have a cell phone and that he could give me his phone number at which point i said... 'yes, if you weren't 1/2 my age, maybe.' He said 'exactly how old do you think i am?' and i just laughed and got in my car with a smile and a good karma point for dog heaven.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:53 PM
Today is the first day of the rest of my blog life. blog.. blogger bloggest. So i had a dream last week and since i've been wondering just what might be of interest to those who may find themselves caught in 'all things toddy'
and i don't really know what to blog about necessarily, i thought i might start with a dream .. Since this blog is mainly about all things me, i figure what better place to start than in the middle of my brain, the dream part.

I shall call it 'the dream series' ..

dream, april something, 2009

i've had flying dreams before and in some flying dreams, it is a struggle at first to keep in the air, i have to will myself to fly. IN this one, i had no problem, in fact i was a tour guide for a couple. they flew behind me while i showed them the sights. This is where i go into present tense, as if it is happening now!!! I jumping off of a highly situated cliff.. down below is a humongous glisteningly blue river swishing along and on the other side is a sister cliff. The color of the cliffs is red, like the red rocks in Utah.. but covering most of the cliffs is white snow and the sky is a clear blue with scattered clouds.. altogether quite a beautiful site, the river seemingly going on forever and i am flying fast along the edge of the cliff pointing out the beautiful scenery to the couple behind me.. that was about it. No great epiphany but flying is sure fun. Shortly after, i dreamt that i was running like a powerful animal.. in slo mo and covering great lengths, i like these movement dreams.. progress is possible.

k bye now

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